
Mirrors. Justin Timberlake.中文歌詞 - 千萬樹葉飛落

Mirrors. Justin Timberlake.中文歌詞 · (感人MV補上,MV內女主角老後看的那本書似乎有個故事,就是男主角知道女主角會因為年老而忘記,所以把這一切的故事 ...

Justin Timberlake - Mirrors 中譯歌詞- tiffy1788的創作

Aren't you somethin' to admire. Cause your shine is somethin' like a mirror. And I can't help but notice. You reflect in this heart of mine


JT結論道,「你想要知道跟你在一起的那個人是跟著你一塊成長的(“You want to know that the person you're with is evolving with you.”)」

[MV] Justin Timberlake。Mirrors(wLyrics)。賈斯汀最新音樂錄影帶 ...

這也就是為何Mirrors的MV當中,那阿嬤身後的阿公靈魂,好似鏡中反射一樣,如影隨行, 有時鏡中反射出的是兩人,有時只有阿公,有時只有阿嬤。 影像主軸在於這對 ...

【中文歌詞】Justin Timberlake大賈斯汀-

Aren't you something to admire, 'cause your shine is something like a mirror. 難道你沒有種奇異的特質讓人深深欽佩?因為妳就像一面澄澈的鏡子般 ...

Mirrors-歌詞-Justin Timberlake (賈斯汀)

Mirrors-歌詞-Aren't you somethin' to admire Cause your shine is somethin' like a mirror And I can't help but notice You reflect in this heart .

Mirrors-歌詞- Justin Timberlake

Mirrors-歌詞-Aren't you somethin' to admire Cause your shine is somethin' like a mirror And I can't help but notice You reflect in this heart .

Mirrors - Radio Edit-歌詞-Justin Timberlake (賈斯汀)

Aren't you somethin' to admire? 'Cause your shine is somethin' like a mirror. And I can't help but notice. You reflect in this heart of mine

MIRRORS - Justin Timberlake

Mirrors. Aren't you somethin' to admire? 'Cause your shine is somethin' like a mirror. And I can't help but notice. You reflect in this heart of mine

《歌詞翻譯》Justin Timberlake - Mirrors

Aren't you somethin' to admire? ... You are, you are the love of my life... 妳是、妳就是我人生的摯愛... ... You are, you are the love of my life...


Mirrors.JustinTimberlake.中文歌詞·(感人MV補上,MV內女主角老後看的那本書似乎有個故事,就是男主角知道女主角會因為年老而忘記,所以把這一切的故事 ...,Aren'tyousomethin'toadmire.Causeyourshineissomethin'likeamirror.AndIcan'thelpbutnotice.Youreflectinthisheartofmine,JT結論道,「你想要知道跟你在一起的那個人是跟著你一塊成長的(“Youwanttoknowthatthepersonyou'rewithisevolvingwithyou.”)」,這也就是為何Mirr...